[1] 异构信息网络中的关联关系预测与协同进化模型研究. 项目编号:61402363. 国家自然科学基金项目. 起止日期:2015年1月-2017年12月. 本人是项目负责人. 已结题.
[2] 复杂网络中的社团发现及其演化模型研究. 项目编号:2021JZ-49. 陕西省科技计划重点项目. 起止日期:2021年1月-2023年12月. 本人是项目负责人. 在研.
[3] 基于人才数据的文本分类系统. 项目编号:2020KJRC0094. 西安市科技计划项目. 起止日期:2020年1月-2021年12月. 本人是项目负责人. 在研.
[4] 基于互联网大数据的网页推荐系统. 项目编号:CXY1509(7).西安市科技计划项目. 起止日期:2017年1月-2018年12月. 本人是项目负责人. 在研.
[5] 基于MR的手机定位系统. 项目编号:CXY1509(7).西安市科技计划项目. 起止日期:2015年1月-2016年12月. 本人是项目负责人. 已结题.
[6] 异构信息网络中基于用户聚类的协同过滤算法研究. 项目编号:15JS079.陕西省教育厅重点实验室项目. 起止日期:2015年6月-2016年12月. 本人是项目负责人. 已结题.
[7] 高维空间中聚类算法的关键技术研究. 项目编号:2014JQ8361. 陕西省科技计划项目. 起止日期:2014年1月-2015年12月. 本人是项目负责人. 在研.
[8] 基于移动互联网大数据的个性化推荐系统. 项目编号:CXY1339(5).西安市科技计划项目. 起止日期:2013年1月-2014年12月. 本人是项目负责人. 在研.
[9] 基于模糊计算的知识发现算法研究. 项目编号:SJ08-ZT14. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目. 起止日期:2009年1月-2010年12月. 本人是项目负责人. 已结题.
[1] Hongfang Zhou, Jiawei Zhang, Yueqing Zhou, Xiaojie Guo, Yiming Ma. A feature selection algorithm of decision tree based on feature weight[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2021,164:1-14.(SCI:000599704000015).
[2] Hongfang Zhou, Jing Wen. Dynamic feature selection method with minimum redundancy information for linear data[J]. Applied Intelligence, 2020,50(11):3660-3667(SCI:000542081400002).
[3] HongFang Zhou, HongJiang Liu, Yao. Zhang, and YingJie Zhang, An Outlier Detection Algorithm Based on an Integrated Outlier Factor[J]. Intelligent Data Analysis, 2019,23(5).
[4] HongFang Zhou, Yao Zhang, YingJie Zhang,HongJiang Liu, Feature selection based on conditional mutual information: minimum conditional relevance and minimum conditional redundancy[J]. Applied Intelligence, 2019,49(3):883-896(SCI: 000458606300004).(ISSN:0924-669X).
[5]HongFang Zhou, Yao Zhang, Jin Li, An overlapping community detection algorithm in complex networks based on information theory[J]. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2018,117:183-194(SCI: 000448496400011).
[6] Hongfang Zhou, Jin Li, Junhuai Li, Facun Zhang, Yingan Cui, A graph clustering method for community detection in complex networks[J], Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017,469:551-562(SCI: 000392793500054).
[7] Hongfang Zhou,Yihui Zhang, Yibin Liu,A Global-Relationship Dissimilarity Measure for the k-Modes Clustering Algorithm[J]. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2017:(SCI:000399208000001).
[8] Hongfang Zhou, Jie Liu, Junhuai Li, Wencong Duan, A density-based approach for detecting complexes in weighted PPI networks by semantic similarity[J]. PLoS One. 2017 Jul 12;12(7):e0180570.(SCI: 000405649600035).
[9] H. Zhou, J. Guo, and Y. Wang. A feature selection approach based on term distributions[J]. SpringerPlus, 2016,5(1):1-14.(SCI:000373219000009)
[10] Hongfang Zhou, Jie Guo, Yinghui Wang, and Minghua Zhao, A Feature Selection Approach Based on Interclass and Intraclass Relative Contributions of Terms[J]. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016, 2016(17):1-8(SCI: 000382065700001)
[11]Zhou Hongfang, Guo Jie, Wang Xinyi, Zhang Guorong, Zhao Xuehan. Self-adaptive trajectory prediction method based on density clustering[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015,11(7): 2449-2461.(EI: 20152400928177)
[12]Zhou Hongfang, Guo Jie, Wang Xinyi, Duan Wencong, Wang Peng, Cao Wenquan. A web page classification algorithm based on feature selection[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2015,12(4): 1549-1556.(EI: 20151300678631)
[13]ZHOU Hong-fang, ZHOU Yang, ZHANG Xiao-peng, TAN Shu-chen. A clustering algorithm for categorical data based on connected components[J]. Control and Decision, 2015,30(1):39-45.(EI: 20150600502635)
[14]Hong-Fang Zhou*,Xue-Han Zhao, Xiao Wang. An effective ensemble pruning algorithm based on frequent patterns [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014,56(1): 79-85.(SCI:000331160200007;EI:IP52897838)
[15]ZHOU Hong-fang*,WANG Xiao,ZHAO Xue-han,RAO Yuan. Ensemble Pruning Based on Frequent Patterns [J]. Journal of Applied Sciences,2013,31(6):628-632.
[16]Zhou Hong-fang, Wang Xiao. An Efficient Density-based Clustering Algorithm Combined with Representative Set [J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science,2013,10(7): 2021-2028.(EI: 20132316396460).
[17]Zhou Hongfang, Zhao Xuehan. An Optimal Hierarchically Clustering Number Determining Method[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(9): 3791-3798. (EI: 20122615179123)
[18]Zhou Hongfang, Wang Peng, Li Hongyan. Research on adaptive parameters determination in DBSCAN algorithm[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2012, 9(7): 1967-1973. (EI: 20123115297060)
[19] Zhou Hongfang, Feng Boqin, Lv Lintao, Yue Hui. Study on Mutual Information Based Clustering Algorithm [J], Information Technology Journal, 2007, 6(2):251-254.(EI:071710563742)
[20] Zhou Hongfang, Feng Boqin, Lv Lintao, Yue Hui. A Robust Algorithm for Subspace Clustering of High-dimensional Data [J], Information Technology Journal, 2007, 6(2):255-258.(EI:071710563743)
[21] Zhou Hongfang, Feng Boqin, Lv Lintao, Wang Zhurong. A New Integrated Personalized Recommendation Algorithm, CIS 2005, LNAI 3801, 2005:747-751. (SCI: BDQ19; EI: 06229909266)
[22] Zhou Hong-fang, Feng Bo-qin, Hei Xin-hong, Lv Lin-tao. Mining Interesting Knowledge from Web-Log [J]. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2004, 9(5):569-574. (EI: 04498707456)
[1] 感知网络相关技术与应用研究,陕西高等学校科学技术奖 二等奖。
[2] 应用驱动的物联网关键技术研究与推广,西安市科学技术奖 二等奖。